Unlocking the transnational potential in the Fehmern Belt Region

The report examines the potential for an Öresund Metro between Copenhagen and Malmö. A metro can create a larger, stronger labour market and at the same time solve transport capacity challenges.

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This report describes the potentials of the Rapid Transit Railway Line (S4) running between Hamburg and Bad Oldesloe, and the Öresund Metro, running between Copenhagen and Malmö. Both projects will solve important local and regional connectivity and accessibility problems. Furthermore, they are both expected to contribute to growth and the desired model shift towards greener transportation modes.

Concretely the Öresund Metro is expected to result in a greatly enhanced labour market and to solve expected capacity problems between Copenhagen and Malmö. The project will primarily be user-financed through ticket revenue, with a possible EU support, as well as support from both the Danish and Swedish states. Both countries have the unique option to apply the ticket revenues from the Öresund Fixed Link as state financing from 2035, when the bridge is paid off by its users. In that sense, the project is cost-neutral in terms of its effect on state expenditure.